Thursday, January 10, 2013

Less Traditional Learning

I'm not going to weigh my views on the teacher's job action in my parts, it's been done to death by myself and thousands of others. What I do want to do is have a discussion about what you will be doing with your kids on this unexpected day off.

Will you be home with them? Sending them to a babysitter or day camp? Using retired grandparents for child care? Pooling with friends?

After some creative rescheduling of a job interview I had booked, I'll be home with my boys. But it won't be just a day off, watching movies or playing in the snow, we'll be having fun and learning in some less traditional ways:

Julia, aka @AskMamaMOE on Twitter, sent me some books this month after hearing how we lost all of our books after a pipe burst. Tomorrow we'll be working out of this great book to make some singing bottles and experiment with mirror images.

Thank you for the books Julia, we LOVE them!

After a morning of science play, we'll be heading downtown to go to THEMUSEUM. It's pretty much my favourite place in town and we spend a lot of time there. From learning how to control the flow of water to practising our architectural skills with giant blocks, it's always a learning adventure hidden beneath a fun exterior.

And lastly, we'll take ourselves to Kitchener City Hall for a little ice skating because whether it's something they teach in school or not, skating is most definitely something that every Canadian kid needs to learn!

Here's hoping your day is full of learning and as adventure-filled as ours!


  1. Replies
    1. I'd love to take my boys for a day or two of hiking at Luther Marsh this summer so maybe we can meet up for some fun!
